Photo: Detail from the cover of the Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (2013), ed., Simon A. Levin.
Levin Lab - 2013 Publications
Archive of Recent Years

Badiou, P. et al. (including S.A. Levin). 2013.
International Boreal Conservation Science Panel: Conserving the World’s Last Great Forest Is Possible:  Here’s How.  (Science/Policy Briefing, International Boreal Conservation Science Panel and Associates, November 2011). .pdf

Bonachela, S.A., Allison, S.D., Martiny, A.C., and S.A. Levin. 2013. A model for variable phytoplankton stoichiometry based on cell protein regulation.
BioGeoSciences 10: 3241-3279. .pdf

Case, M.F., Halpern, C.B., and S.A. Levin.  2013. Contributions of gopher mound and casting disturbances to plant community structure in a Cascade Range meadow complex.
Botany 91: 555-561. .pdf

Farrior, C.E. et al. (including S.A. Levin). 2013. Competition for water and light in closed-canopy forests: A tractable model of carbon allocation with implications for carbon sinks.
American Naturalist 181(3): 314-330. .pdf

Farrior, C.E. et al. (including S.A. Levin). 2013. Resouce limitation in a competitive context determines complex plant responses to experimental resource additions.
Ecology 94(11): 2505-2517. .pdf

Fischer, I et al. (including S.A. Levin). 2013. Fusing enacted and expected mimicry generates a winning strategy that promotes the evolution of cooperation.
PNAS 110(25): 10229-10233. .pdf

Giuggioli, L. et al. (including S.A. Levin). 2013. Stigmergy, collective actions, and animal social spacing.
PNAS 110(42): 16904-16909. .pdf

Kinzig, A. P. et al (including S.A. Levin). 2013. Social norms and global environmental challenges: The complex interaction of behaviors, values, and policy.
BioScience 63(3): 164-175. .pdf

Lade, S.J., Tavoni, A., Levin, S.A., and M. Schlueter. 2013. Regime shifts in a social-ecological system.
Theoretical Ecology (Special Issue on Regime Shifts and Tipping Points) 6: 359-372. .pdf

Levin, S.A. 2013. Comment on “Voluntary Pledges and Green Growth in the Post-Copenhagen Economy” by Thomas Sterner and “World Economic Crises: Commodity Prices and Environmental Scarcity as Missing Links” by Ramón López.  In
Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. 2010 ABDCE Stockholm.

Levin, S.A.  2013. Cooperation and sustainability. In
Practicing Sustainability, ed. G. Madhavan et al., 39-43. New York: Springer.

Levin, S.A. 2013. Dedication and foreword. 
Mathematical Biosciences (Special Issue in honor of Professor Luigi M. Ricciardi).  BIOCOMP 2012: Mathematical Modeling and Computational Topics in Biosciences, Vietri sul Mare (Italy), June 4-9, 2012.

Levin, S.A.  2013.  Ecological resilience and robustness. 
Encyclopaedia Britannica.  Available from the Encylopaedia Britannica Online.

Levin, S.A., ed. 2013.
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (2nd Edition). Elsevier. With Preface by S.A. Levin.

Levin, S.A.  2013.  Foreword. 
Dispersal, Individual Movement and Spatial Ecology: A Mathematical Perspective, ed. M.A. Lewis et al., v-vii.  Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2071.  Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 

Levin, S.A. 2013. Mathematics of sustainability.
AMS Notices 60(4): 392-393. .pdf

Levin, S.A.  2013.  Preface to Special Issue in Honor of Carlos Castillo-Chavez. 
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 10(5-6): xxv-xxvii.

Levin, S.A. et al. 2013. Social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems: Modeling and policy implications.
Environment and Development Economics 18(2): 111-132. .pdf

Martiny, A. et al. (including S.A. Levin). 2013. Strong latitudinal patterns in the elemetal ratios of marine plankton and organic matter.
Nature Geoscience 6: 279-283. .pdf

Nadell, C.D. et al. (including S.A. Levin). 2013. Cutting through the complexity of cell collectives.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280 (1755): 20122770. .pdf

Pinsky, al. (including S.A. Levin). 2013. Marine taxa track local climate velocities. Science 341 (6151): 1239-1243. .pdf

Thompson, S., Levin, S., and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe. 2013. LInking plant disease risk and precipitation drivers: A dynamical systems framework.
The American Naturalist 181(1): 1-38. .pdf

Standburg-Peshkin, A. et al. (including S.A. Levin).  2013.  Visual sensory networks and effective information transfer in animal groups.
  Current Biology 23(17): R709-R711. .pdf 

Torney, C.J., Levin, S.A., and I.D. Couzin. 2013. Decision accuracy and the role of spatial interaction in opinion dynamics.
Journal of Statistical Physics 151(1-2): 203-217. .pdf